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Man of Rubber, Inc.


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Trees Of NA: Our 22″ x 22″ elaborate cotton North American Trees bandana is another amazing tool that you, your child, scout, or classroom can use as a tool for learning about the many trees in North America. This stylish bandana offers the buyer information about the appearance of the tree, the flowering leaf it produces, as well as the average tree height. Some of the highlighted trees are: the Tulip, Sequoia, Magnolia, Sweet Gum, Sycamore, and the Black Walnut.

If you are an avid angler you will love this 22″ x 22″ fly hook bandana. It features over 100 different types of fly fishing hooks. This bandana closely resembles the real feathers, yarn and hair, and are used to make flies.

Trout Bandana:  We don’t know of any fisherman who wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to proudly wear this beautiful bandana depicting 10 different types of trout. Richly detailed, the colors are vivid in their representation of the fish’s coloration. The Trout on this bandana include Brown, Rainbow, Atlantic Salmon, Steelehead, Brook, Golden, Bull, Lake, Rio Grande Cutthroat and Yellowstone Cutthroat.

Rich in detail, our 22″ x 22″ cotton bandanas are not only fun but are a source of interpretive information. The Animal-Tracks bandana features 13 different animal tracks. Animals highlighted include the Gray Squirrel, Big Horn Sheep, Beaver, Cotton Tail Rabbit, Raccoon, Mountain Lion, Black Bear, Chipmunk, Yellow Bellied Marmot, Bobcat, Mule Deer and The Striped Skunk.

Our 22″ x 22″ cotton Butterflies Bandana features 29 different butterflies. Butterflies include the Colorado Hairstreak, Great Purple Hairstreak, Question Mark, Grey Comma, American Painted Lady, Cloudless Sulfur, Clouded Sulfur, Silvery Checkerspot, Zebra Swallowtail, Mourning Cloak, Buckeye, Dainty, Reakirt’s Blue, Icarioides, Melissa, Diana, Swallowtail, Long Tailed Skipper, Eastern Tailed Blue, Little Copper, Purplish Copper, Gulf Fritillary, California Sister, California Dogface, Southern Dogface, Red Banded, Red Spotted Purple, Sara Orange Tip and the ever popular Monarch.

Our Fly Fishing Knots Bandana is great for people all all ages, but especially for a novice or experienced fisherman! It is greatly detailed and depicts 8 different kinds of specific knots. For example, the Blood Knot, Needle Knot, and the Perfection Loop. This Fly Fishing Knots bandana is mad of 100% cotton and is 22″ by 22 “. Take this with you on your next adventure or buy for that fisherman in your life.

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